Consult room speed bump ahead.

Consult room speed bump ahead.

In light of Pharmacists nationwide being requested to register their EOI to vaccinate for the soon-to-be released Covid-19 vaccines, there are considerations that come along with that decision.

If you currently have a compliant operating Private Consultation room suitable for vaccinations, you are in a great position to offer this protection to your local community.

5 things to consider before starting your Pharmacy re-fit.

5 things to consider before starting your Pharmacy re-fit.

1 - Approval Process

Many Pharmacy owners will underestimate not only the process, but the time it takes for submission & approvals for their fit out.

Governing bodies such as the Australia Community Pharmacy Authority & Pharmacy Registration Board of Western Australia will require you to go through the application and approval process for change of premises or alterations to your store. Applications need to be submitted in advance of the scheduled meeting dates (which can be found on their relevant websites). Missing a meeting can result in delays to your project of 4-8 weeks.